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Главная » Фотоальбом » Авторские работы/Personal Gallery. » WWW » My Love is Killing Me
Red Elvises


She loves me too much, when she kisses my ear,
My eardrums pop, it's so painful my dear,
We were making love, she didn't mean any harm,
It became a wicked game when she broke my arm.
Oo-a-oo, my love is killing me...
Oo-a-oo, my love is killing me...
I can forgive you the damage to my lips, I can forgive you the bite marks on my hips,
But there is only one thing I can't stand, Don't call me Chris, my name is Elvis.
I can forgive you the bruises and cuts, I can forgive you the scars on my nuts,
But there is only one thing I can't stand, Don't call me Chris, my name is Elvis.
Paying hospital bills, I can't take any more, Do you know how it feels, I'm scared of her.
She loves me too much, when she kisses my ear, It sounds fuckin' loud, that's why I can't hear,
Oo-a-oo, my love is killing me...

Просмотров: 848 | Размеры: 1280x800px/267.4Kb
Дата: 22-Сен-2008 | Добавил: RalfZ
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Всего комментариев: 3
22-Сен-2008 Спам

3.Andrew (Oceanair) [Материал]
И пусть застрелится. Лично я после Элвиса всегда полон энергии и огня, можно и пострелять, но не в себя... biggrin biggrin biggrin

22-Сен-2008 Спам

2.Сережа Добровольский (Сережа) [Материал]
Валера загляни в личку-))) На biggrin р-сити все сказал-)))

22-Сен-2008 Спам
АГА... Застрелиться)))) Очуметь!

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